—— 2018-12-27 ——

报告人:李淑惠 博士候选人

主持人:张晋宇 博士

报告时间:201919日 14:00-15:00




李淑惠,美国哥伦比亚大学数学教育专业博士候选人(PhD Candidate),2016年于哥伦比亚大学教师教育学院获得硕士学位,2015年于上海财经大学获得理学学士和管理学双学士学位,期间于荷兰阿姆斯特丹应用技术大学完成半年交换生项目。现研究领域涉及数学概念间的联系在数学教材中的体现;应用AR (增强现实)Geometry Sketchpad (几何画板)等工具用于数学教学领域,曾在国际会议ICCE上发表过相关论文。实地观摩交流过亚洲、欧洲、美洲的十几个国家不同教育阶段的数学教育,曾在纽约Accelerate Academy教授GeometryAP Calculus AB/BC,曾在保时捷大中华区总部实习从事数据分析,时梦教育信息咨询有限公司的共同创始人。


Due to the development of information and digital technology, dynamic interactive software, such as Geometry Sketchpad, GeoGebra, Augmented Reality (AR), TinkerPlots, is receiving growing interests. Much research indicated the benefits, potentials, and challenges of dynamic software. In this seminar, I will present three funded research about software for secondary school students to explore relations between empirical and theoretical probability, sense the likelihood, examine sample space, and investigate quadratic function. The learning effects of different software in mathematics, limitations, and development will be discussed. I will also introduce requirement for PhD degree of mathematics education in Columbia University.